Healthcare and educational institutions often rely on a managed service provider (MSP) to streamline their complex staffing needs. But when an MSP isn’t meeting expectations, the thought of switching your partner can seem daunting. That feeling, paired with other common misconceptions about making an MSP switch, can contribute to healthcare or educational institutions feeling hesitant about exploring their options. Let’s debunk some of those myths, and explore why switching MSP partners could be the best decision for your organization.

Misconceptions about Switching MSPs

Myth #1: Switching MSPs is Too Disruptive

The fear of disruption is understandable. However, a well-executed transition plan from a reputable MSP can minimize disruptions significantly. Look for providers who have a proven track record of seamless onboarding, providing clear communication channels, and a dedicated implementation team.

Myth #2: All MSPs Are the Same

Absolutely not! MSPs vary greatly in their areas of expertise, technology solutions, candidate pools, and overall approach. Switching may help you find an MSP with a niche focus or process that better aligns with the specific needs of your healthcare or educational organization.

Myth #3: The Switch is Time-Consuming and Expensive

While switching does require an investment of time and resources, the long-term benefits often outweigh the initial costs. A more suitable MSP can improve your recruitment efficiency and the overall quality of your staff, helping to save you both time and money down the line.

Myth #4: You’ll Lose Access to Your Existing Talent Pool

Many MSPs offer the option to retain and integrate your existing pool of qualified candidates. A good MSP will work with you to ensure a smooth handover of candidate information and relationships.

When to Consider Switching MSPs

MSPs can be powerful staffing allies for healthcare or educational institutions, but in some cases that partnership may not be delivering the expected results. For that reason, it is crucial for institutions to recognize signs that indicate it might be time to search for a new MSP partner. Here are some factors to consider when deciding if you need to make a switch:

  • Persistent Staffing Shortages: An MSP’s core function is to provide staffing solutions. If they consistently struggle to fill critical vacancies in a timely manner, your operations and growth will suffer. Don’t hesitate to seek out an MSP who can address your specific workforce needs with reliability and agility.
  • Declining Quality of Candidates: MSPs shouldn’t just send you anyone interested – they should act as expert curators. If you consistently find that candidates lack the right skills, expertise, or cultural fit, it’s a clear sign your MSP isn’t meeting their core responsibilities. It’s time to find a provider that takes an in-depth approach to understanding your requirements and delivers high-caliber talent.
  • Poor Communication and Transparency: Open, responsive communication builds trust – a hallmark of successful MSP partnerships. If you’re constantly left in the dark about the status of open positions, candidate feedback is sparse, or updates are vague, it’s a recipe for frustration and delays. Seek a partner who values transparency about the recruitment pipeline and welcomes your input.
  • Outdated Technology: The best MSPs optimize their workflows with cutting-edge recruitment and onboarding technology. If your MSP relies on clunky, outdated tools, their processes likely aren’t as efficient or effective as they could be. Look for an MSP that utilizes modern solutions to streamline hiring, onboarding, and overall workforce management
  • Inflated Costs: While cost shouldn’t be the sole factor in MSP decisions, it’s vital that you feel the value is justified. Regularly review contracts, invoices, and the overall cost-benefit analysis. If your costs seem excessively high for the quality of service, it’s worth seeking a new MSP who might offer a better, more competitive value proposition.

Ensuring Success with a New MSP Partner

Once you’ve identified that it is time to switch MSPs, it’s important to understand how to find a new partner that can better meet your goals and demands. To help you find an MSP partner more suited to your needs, here are some strategies to consider:

  • Define Your Needs: Dive deeper than generalized shortcomings to help guide your search and ask the right questions of potential MSP partners. Bring up specific pain points that caused issues in your old partnership, like a lack of available qualified professionals or results not being delivered in a timely manner. This helps your new MSP specifically understand what you expect from their services.
  • Research Thoroughly: Don’t settle for the first few MSP options you stumble upon. Dive deeper than surface-level marketing by seeking out testimonials, case studies, industry awards, and certifications. These insights offer a candid look into an MSP’s reputation, track record, and expertise, helping you make an informed decision.
  • Prioritize Expertise: When searching for MSP options, prioritize providers with industry-specific expertise. Whether you operate in healthcare or education, look for an MSP that understands the unique challenges and regulations of your field. Also, make sure to look for an MSP experienced in working with facilities of different sizes, to help ensure they can scale their services up or down to meet your needs. This helps to avoid pitfalls and ensure a successful, long-term relationship.
  • Ask About Transition Plans: To ensure a seamless transition, inquire about the prospective MSP’s transition plan. Focus on key areas like their knowledge transfer process, how they minimize staffing disruptions during the switch, and their approach to understanding your current systems, procedures, and staffing needs. Additionally, discuss a realistic timeline for them to become fully operational and deliver the results you expect.

Embrace a Change

Switching your MSP partner doesn’t have to be a nightmare. By addressing common misconceptions and finding the right partner, you can streamline your staffing processes, gain access to a wider, better-qualified talent pool, and ultimately help improve patient or student care.

If you’re ready to change your MSP partner, Sunburst Workforce Advisors is here to guide you. Our industry experience, consultative approach, and innovative vendor strategic solutions allow us to quickly and efficiently meet the staffing needs of a wide range of healthcare and education partners.

Partner with Sunburst Workforce Advisors for your staffing needs and gain access to strategic vendor staffing solutions that support your healthcare or educational facility’s core mission.

Connect with the Sunburst team today.